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5 key security features on a King Trellis Gate that the King Brands team are really proud of

The security features of your trellis gates should be first and foremost in your decision-making process when choosing security barriers for your home or business.

The King Trellis range of security barriers has been carefully designed and manufactured over 25 years. Not only do you want your security to be aesthetically appealing but solid and secure as well. Here are 5 security features we are most proud of.

  1. Secured on all four sides
    Our retractable and static security barriers feature a top and bottom track system secured into your reveals. In addition to securing the track system King Trellis adds multiple wall-securing points, keeping the barriers rigid.
  2. Designed for smooth operation
    The specially formed double-lipped galvanised top track is purposely rolled to enclose the machine-quality steel roller bearing design, ensuring our barriers glide smoothly when opening and closing, especially in emergencies.
  3. Dovetail drop bolts
    The galvanised bottom track is also purposely rolled to allow the machined drop bolt to glide open and closed and compensate for builder error by adjusting it to slide on unlevel surfaces. The drop bolt design also ensures there is no need for plastic levelling spacers and adjustable components. It adds another level of security as they are difficult to tamper with due to them being able to rotate.
  4. Slamlock deadlock locking mechanism
    King Trellis gates come standard with a slamlock deadlock locking mechanism within a robust locking channel. The slamlock allows the gate to be instant keyless locked on contact, and the combination of the slamlock, deadlock pin and locking channel creates a deadlock system, securing and preventing the gate from being pried or bent open. The slamlock can be substituted for a standard hooklock, and should you require an extra layer of security, we can add a double lock for peace of mind.
  5. Quality metalwork throughout
    Our expert metal manufacturing and engineering skills set us apart from our competitors. The single upright design is manufactured from prime SABS-approved steel or aluminium tubing (climate-dependent) and allows for a tamperproof exterior for would-be intruders. Along with not utilising any plastic or nylon mechanical parts, you can choose from five standard UV-stabilised epoxy powder-coated colours that add to the barriers’ longevity, UV and corrosion resistance.

We custom-manufacture all our security barrier product ranges in-house in Gauteng and distribute them nationally to meet your needs. Along with custom manufacturing and the choice of two different flight styles (X-type or O-type), we also offer our retractable security barriers in the KT4 Supreme and KT3 superior range. These options allow you to select the level of security required within your budget. Choose the correct security measures that will withstand the test of time and will give you peace of mind for years to come.

Contact us today for a custom security barrier quote.

We have a team of representatives nationwide.

Get in touch if you would like a free quote on your next project. 

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